Women’s Chandra Circles

Women’s Chandra Circles

A space to gather, to reconnect and remember the Feminine

Chandra ~ moon or ‘Goddess of the moon in Sanskrit. Women have been gathering together in circles for millennia. The rise of Women’s circles in recent years speaks volumes to the yearning & need for this connection. Reclaiming the old wise ways of our ancestors is both a remembrance and a homecoming to our true nature.

As women, as embodiments of the Goddess/Devi, we see the rhythms of the Earth mirrored in our own. These mysteries are held within our cellular bodies. Together, we will explore the Moon’s energy and understand how its astrological position may be felt within our lives.

The Circles are an opportunity to deepen our capacity to tap into our inner wisdom, unravel and contemplate important and soulful matters, find soothing and support in the practices and community, share and connect authentically.

We will connect the Divine Feminine in different ways through the portals of meditation, breathwork, philosophy, free movement, relationship, inquiry, journaling, sound healing, contemplation, rest, and other healing modalities. 

If you are yearning for the deep nurturing that comes from an empowering and loving community of women, this is your invitation, sister.

These circles are co-hosted with my dear sister, Emilia, from Italy. 

Check out her page here

*All self-identifying women are welcome, from everywhere in the World

Follow this link for upcoming circles and booking

“The biggest embrace you’ll ever make is to embrace yourself completely. Then you’ll realise you’ve just embraced the whole universe and everything and everybody in it.”  Adyashanti