Last night a group of teachers was asked by @christinagagnier_embodiednomad what our intentions are for teaching this year.
Amid a foggy brain of a long day, a word surfaced .. INTIMACY.
Not intimacy in the sense of sexual interactions, but rather the intimacy that denotes mutual vulnerability, openness, and meaningful relationship. Intimacy with reality, with ourselves, with others, with country, with the Divine (whatever you believe in).. The intimacy that comes when you let yourself be fully caressed by life, and allow yourself to be in communion with all of existence at a cellular level; after all, this is the Tantrik way.
My journey has been one of fumbling around and unravelling to this intimacy. I no longer wish (and haven’t for quite some time) to have a superficial relationship to a life that breeds deeper conditioning, estrangement, and a sense of separation. In fact, I refuse.
So my answer to this huge question is..
I hope to be a supportive guide,
that creates a safe and welcoming space,
for you to feel comfortable to show up as you are.
I hope to anchor us in the body, awaken to this web of intelligence,
to remind you of your wholeness, and the sacredness that is this life, this breath, this beating organ inside your chest.
To suggest pathways back to your intuitive knowing,
to steer you towards cultivating a deep relationship with reality,
to open gateways for you to land in the purity of your true essence,
I truly believe this is the very medicine needed,
in a world suffering from the disease of disconnection at it’s core.
No one can do this deep inner work for you. Still, it is beneficial to walk this journey with support, inner and outer resources, and space holding with a mirror willing to reflect back your inner radiance.
Someone who knows some of the terrains and can invoke curiosity, who is deeply devoted and embodied in this work, that can compassionately offer you doorways and keys.. As you shed your skins, as you birth yourself to yourself again and again, as you touch along edges, you might not have the courage to face alone, yet.. as you meet reality.
THIS is my intention as a teacher but most of all a student of life.
May we steep TOGETHER in the practice of remembering and reclaiming because we heal not in isolation but through community and relationship.
AND this is why I LOVE @sheoakcollective.
I hope to meet new and old friends in these spaces.